Periodontitis (commonly called "gum disease") ...

... can be prevented!


A lot of people suffer from diseases of the periodontium without even knowing what "periodontitis" means.


Periodontitis (formerly known as "parodontosis") is the most common gum disease. It has replaced caries as the most frequent cause of tooth loss among people over 40. This chronic inflammation of the periodontium is caused by bacteria living in the form of dental plaque. These bacteria settle on the root surfaces before they migrate to the root tips. Our body defends itself against that by an immune reaction which not only kills the intruders, but also disintegrates the periodontium. The tooth loosens and eventually falls out. Fortunately, this development can be detected and prevented by a prompt periodontal treatment.


The first signs of a periodontitis 

In most cases, the first signs of periodontitis are not painful. Since the concurrent physical changes are rarely noticed, they can not be taken seriously. Possible symptoms include:


  • dark-red colouration 
  • a bleeding reaction to flossing and brushing 
  • slight swelling 
  • bad breath



Periodontitis is usually caused by a lack of dental care, malnutrition, an aggressive bacterial flora, overstrained teeth, dental or jaw malpositions, immune system disorders, or a genetic disposition. Gum bleeding can be a first indicator of peridontitis.


Below, please find some links which offer detailed information on periodontitis:

1. Periodontitis - What is it?

2. Periodontitis and general health

3. Periodontitis and smoking

4. Therapy for periodontitis (periodontal treatment)

5. Periodontium regeneration

6. Structure of the gingiva/covering of free tooth necks

7. Minimally invasive periodontal surgery

8. Dental implants and periodontitis

9. Preservation therapy/aftercare programme - recall 

10. Periodontitis risk test

11. Gum structure 

12. Periodontitis and intestinal flora



Edited August 2011 by  KU64, Dentistry Berlin

Periodontitis - Gum Disease Berlin
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