What does periodontitis have to do with intestinal diseases?

What is "periodontitis"? 

The term "periodontitis" refers to an infection of the periodontium and the jaw bone, which, if left untreated, leads to destruction of the bone or to tooth loss. Periodontitis does not necessarily arise from negligent hygiene. In reality, this disease arises as a consequence of high susceptibility to bacterial infections. Therefore, life-long periodontal care is strongly recommended.


Is there a connection between intestinal diseases and periodontitis?

  • The consequence of many intestinal diseases can be a lack of vitamins and minerals due to a reduction of digestive capacity, even if the diet contains adequate quantities of such nutrients. Minerals are vital for bone and tooth building. A number of vitamins, especially vitamin C, are indispensable for the periodontal structure. Thus, a lack of vitamins can lead to gum (gingival) diseases. 
  • Furthermore, a substantial part of our immune system (approx. 80% of the immune cells) is located in the bowel system. Therefore, its functional state depends largely on the condition of the intestines. Consequently, intestinal diseases may cause serious immune system disorders. In this case, the healing of periodontitis and other infections might take exceedingly long or may not be possible at all. An intestinal sanitation treatment can then contribute to the strengthening of the immune system and is therefore advisable.


Please find further information about intestinal sanitation at http://www.darmflora-analyse.de/. For details about possible treatments for periodontitis, please do not hesitate to ask our KU64 experts.


A holistic therapy concept by KU64 and MDL




Edited August 2011

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